Pregnancy Approved Skin Care

so you got knocked up while on your skin care journey? here’s what i recommend to keep up with your progress while keeping baby safe. the main ingredients to remove from your routine immeDIATELY are salicylic acid and retinol/retinal/retinoids.these ingredients have been associated with birth defects.

luckily, this means you will still be able to use other active ingredients to stay on track. when it comes to pregnancy, your skin will go through a series of hormonal changes that can cause concerns like acne, melasma or extreme dryness/sensitivity. having the proper skin care routine can help to alleviate the symptoms.

consistency may become difficult, however, it is important to develope an efficient routine that you can do even when you’re not feeling up to it. getting professional facial treatments helps to hold you accountable while also putting the majority of the heavy lifting onto your esthetician. while you will not be able to participate in the fun stuff like microneedling, deep chemical peels or high frequency treatments, you can keep up with dermaplaning and hydrodermabrasion.

hyperpigmentation/melasma can occur on your face and body- especially for mamas of color. in situations such as this, i recommend incorporating ingredients such as lactic acid, glycolic acid and lots of hyaluronic acid.

acne during pregnancy is tricky but absolutely treatab

le. incorporating ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, zinc and Hypochlorous Acid.

dry/sensitive skin should be addressed with nourishing ingredients that hold moisture in the skin such as glycerin, propolis and snow mushroom.

check out my list of pregnancy approved skin care recommendations below!


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